Standard Size Durable Plastic Pallet for Industrial /Tray
Plastic pallet adapted to the chemical, petrochemical, food, aquatic products,, feed, clothing, footwear, electronics, appliances, ports, docks, food, bio-medicine, machinery, hardware, automobile manufacturing, petrochemical, three-dimensional storage, logistics and transport, warehouse handling, storage shelves, auto parts, beer, beverage, electronic appliances textile printing and dyeing, printing and packaging, logistics centers and other industries.
The characteristics of different materials plastics:
In corrosion resistance, plastic pallet is best, followed by wood, steel pallet worst;
2. In terms of moisture resistance, excellent plastic pallet performance;
3. In moth resistant, steel pallet is best, followed by plastic pallet;
4. In terms of average life expectancy, the steel pallets and plastic pallets equally matched;
5. Weight on the pallet, paper, wood tray holds certain advantages;
6. On the bearing performance, the best steel pallet; paper tray is poor;
7. In the use of performance, plastic pallets and steel pallets are superior to paper, wood pallets;
However, since the actual use, according to different uses, and some other varieties of the pallet is difficult to replace. For example, when carrying heavy items, steel pallets have their irreplaceable.
Transportation Advantage:
1. Use pallet can improve working conditions, the elimination of heavy physical labor;
2. Significantly reduce the operating time, shorter delivery time. Truck transport rates rise. Truck drivers usually a person can do the work of ten people. If the goods are more scattered or heavier, we can say that a person doing the equivalent of twenty men workload;
3. Pallet conveyors case goods line loss rarely occurs. When manpower handling operations, due to fatigue, mistakes can occur scattered cargo damage;
4. Tray has a certain amount of cargo capacity. Pallets shipped to prevent the number of errors, easy quantity management;
5. It can effectively organize rectify a storage area to implementation perspective custody;
6. Warehouse, rack automated warehouses, etc., without the tray, its function can not be achieved;
7. Implementation of unmanned transport within the plant must have a tray.
1. Forklift from all sides insert, easy to operate;
2. Both for stacking with each other in the warehouse, but also suitable for use on various shelves;
3. Suitable for all kinds of trucks, convenient collection of material means, means of transport;
4. Convenient for truck, hydraulic pallet trucks and other handling tools operations;
5. With non-slip rubber, to ensure that the material in the handling and transportation process will not fall;
6. Long life and can be recycled;
7. Plastic pallet use safety, hygiene, pest control moth, no repair.
According to shape classified:
1. Double-sided Plastic Pallet, including
a. double-side flat plastic tray
b. double-sided plastic mesh tray

2. Single-sided Plastic Pallet, including
a. nine feet flat plastic tray; nine feet of plastic mesh tray
b. Tian-work grid plastic tray
c. Sichuan-word flat plastic tray; Sichuan-word grid plastic tray
3. Light Duty Plastic Tray (The use of disposable packaging for exports or export packaging carrying amount of product lighter products)
Can be divided into a grid-type and flat type.
Regular Size:
Quality Guarantee: 3 years
1. Free replacement for the 1st year;
2. Two to replacement one for the 2nd year;
3. Three to replacement one for the 3rd year.
You are welcome to send your inquiry if any of the items interest you. We will provide you with our product cataloge for reference. Thank you!